Enabling and setting up Self Check-In Instructor


In order to enable this feature, please refer to the article on enabling features in StudioGrowth:

After it has been enabled, As an Instructor:

  • The staff portal can be found at studioname.studiogrowth.com/staff/login. A staff role type is usually interchangeable with 'instructor'. If the business name is 'ABC Studios', then the staff portal is likely to be abcstudios.studiogrowth.com/staff/login
  • Access the Staff Login page from the Account drop-down menu.
  • Now, access the 'Self Check-In' tab from the side menu.

  • Copy the 'Self Check-In Link'.

  • Paste this link in an iPad browser or whatever device is used at the studio for checking in.
  • Select the required class.

  • Now, customers can check in to the class.

  • If you are facing any difficulties, get in touch with us via help.studiogrowth.com and we'll help you to get up and running in no time. 
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