Editing & Bulk Editing Class Information
Classes can be edited from the Admin portal. There are mainly 2 ways to edit classes:
Editing a single class:
There are 2 ways to edit a single class:
-From the 'Dashboard':
- In the 'Dashboard', you can see upcoming classes for the next 7 days.
- Click the 'Edit' button under the 'Actions' tab to access the edit menu.
- Edit the required field(s), scroll down and click 'Submit' to save your changes.
-From the 'Class Schedule':
- Click on 'Classes' in the side menu and access the 'Class Schedule' tab.
- Select the required date or range of dates from the calendar widget.
- Click the 3 dots beside your required class to access the 'Edit' option.
- Edit the required field(s), scroll down and click 'Submit' to save your changes.
Bulk Editing:
- Click on 'Classes' in the side menu and access the 'Class Management Tab'.
- Using the side scroll bar, access 'Class Schedules' from under the 'Actions' tab for the required class.
- Select the schedule(s) you want to edit using the checkboxes on the left. You can fine tune the list of schedules further using the 'Show Filters' option and applying your desired filters, after which you should click 'Edit Selected'.
- If you wish to edit all schedules part of the class, simply click the 'Select all Schedules' button and click 'Edit Selected'.
- Unlock the field(s) you want to edit by clicking the lock button and make the changes you desire.
- After making the changes, don't click the lock button again.
- Scroll down and click 'Submit'.
- You will receive an 'Update successful!' prompt to signify that your changes have been saved.
- If you are facing any difficulties, get in touch with us via help.studiogrowth.com and we'll help you to get up and running in no time.